Hall of Amusements

Games for Everyone!

Dice Game

You have been challenged to a dice game by a weathered inn-keeper. You each have two six-sided dice that you will roll. Each player will their roll two 6 sided die to get a total. The player with a higher roll wins that round.

You will make a bet on the roll before it occurs. The inn-keeper will then choose if they will match the bet, fold, or raise the bet. If the inn-keeper raises the bet, the you must decide to match, fold, or raise. If you raise the process repeats. If a player folds, their current bet goes to the other player, who then wins that round. The game will end when a player gets $100 or the player chooses to end the game.

Player Roll:

Inn-keeper Roll:



The kitty is:


Player Score:

Inn-keeper Score:



The winner is: