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I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few moments to answer the following set of questions. Your feedback will not only satisfy my curiosity, but also help guide any future updates. Of course, the entire survey is completely optional. Your responses are for my eyes only, and they will not be shared with anyone else. Required fields are denoted by a *.

*What is your name?
*What is your age range?
*How would you rate your knitting experience level?
*How long have you been knitting?

*Which page did you find the most informative or interesting?
*On a scale of 1 - 10 how informative did you find the content?
*Of the following which do you (or would you) knit the most?

*Do you (or would you) knit more for yourself or for others?
*Are you familiar with Ravelry?

*Would you like to receive updates and pattern releases?

*Do you do any other fiber based crafts? Weaving, crochet, spinning, etc.
*Do you have any suggestions?

Your information will not be shared with anyone other than myself.